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Learning through Landscapes: the UK's leading outdoor learning and play charity. We believe in learning without boundaries.

Discover how to write a winning application

Our 2023 Local School Nature Grants programme is open for applications from March 30th! Supported by the People’s Postcode Lottery, we’re offering schools in England, Scotland, and Wales the chance to get their hands on £500 of outdoor equipment and a free outdoor learning training session. Start preparing your application by taking a look at our tips and tricks for writing a winning bid.


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Making outdoor learning and play inclusive of girls

This Women's History Month, read our blog post to explore four ways to ensure that the outdoors is safe, inclusive, and accessible for girls.


Take early years outdoor learning and play to the next level

The Forest Kindergarten qualification is our most comprehensive training course for early years professionals  join us in Stirling on April 19th!


Boost local biodiversity with our Natural Nations surveys

Working with international partners, we developed resources to help schools promote wildlife in their grounds. Explore our tips for using them.


Learn how to safely lead outdoor fire lighting and cooking

Want to create a memorable and deep learning experience for your pupils? Book your place on our upcoming fire lighting training day in Stirling!
